Frequently Asked Questions

photo by Judy Schmidt

Where can I go to find information about conferences about ADHD?

Children and Adults with ADD (CHADD), the American Psychological Association (APA), the American Academy of Pediatric National Conference and Exhibition, American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry all host wonderful conferences where you can find out more about ADHD.

Can I be in a clinical trial for ADHD?

Please refer here ( for more information about clinical trials.

Where can I talk to other parents that also have children with ADHD?

CHADD would be a good place to start. They have a membership program that would help you know other people in similar situations.

I'm an educator looking for materials about ADHD. Where can I find these resources for free?

The CDC provides lots of free material for people like yourself.

About This Site

This website has been created for a final project for a class with the hopes that the information provided will be helpful to the general public.

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Information provided is for educational purposes only.

For specific medical advice, consult a medical professional.

Photos used on this website are courtesy of the CDC Public Health Image Library.

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